All of the preferred lenders featured here have worked extensively with Kiella Homebuilders and understand our qualifications and home buying process. They are here to guide you through your mortgage application and ensure that the financial aspect of the home buying process is made easy, and you receive the most competitive options available for the purchase of your new home. Using one of our preferred lenders makes for a smooth home buying process and helps you close on your home sooner.

204 Paloma Drive Ste. 100, Temple, TX 76502
254-773-7123 | Website | Meet the team

207 Lake Road, Belton, TX 76513
254-933-9500 | Website

Shannon Alexander
Senior Loan Officer

Crystal Friemel
Loan Officer

Artis Alexander
Loan Officer

Laura Palmer
Loan Officer

3615 S. 31st St., Temple, Tx 76502
254-774-5500 | Website

Stan Jackson
Senior Vice President

175 Verbena Drive, Temple, TX 76502
254-774-9090 | Website

Tyler Jermstad
State Farm Insurance Agent
Disclaimer: Kiella Homebuilders does not guarantee that pre-qualifying with one of our preferred lenders secures you a Kiella home. We reserve the right to refuse a sale to anyone for any legal reason. Restrictions may apply. Offer subject to change without prior written notice. Floor plans, elevations, renderings, features and finishes subject to change at any time.